Tony Walker – Incubator Manager

Tony heads up UMIC’s Hi-tech business unit, managing and running UMIC’s incubation facilities – North Campus Incubator, One Central Park Technology Centre and Broadstone Knowledge Mill- and the associated tenancies and business support. Tony worked for Royal Mail for fourteen years during which time he gained a BA(Hons) and postgraduate Institute of Direct Marketing Diploma. He had responsibility for developing the marketing strategy for 350k customers in their North West SME channel including e-commerce and direct marketing promotion activity.

After leaving Royal Mail he took up his appointment as a Business Development Manager in UMIST with responsibility for developing ICT related intellectual property and business creation. He developed the Information Technologies – Venture Centrethat supported software and internet related license and spinout opportunities and oversaw the planning and building of North Campus Incubator. He has been responsible for attracting in various grant funding awards of over £2m for strategic schemes to support business start-up and technology transfer in the high technology sector. In October 2004 he joined UMIC to work on its Hi-tech business activities and run the One Central Park Technology Centre. In 2006 Broadstone Knowledge Mill came under the Hi-tech portfolio.

He has been a director and chairman of a £10m Manchester based social housing company during which time he helped improve the transformation of the business.

Tony is the point of contact if you want more information on the North Campus Incubator, One Central Park and Broadstone Knowledge Mill and services offered by UMIC Hi-tech.

0161 918 6791

[email protected]

